What You Can Do:

  • There's a lot happening out there and many voters can't keep up with local political goings on. When it comes time to vote, they ask a friend or family member who they think is better informed. Make that be you. Let them know you are following local races and happy to answer questions.

  • When you hear misinformation, gently let folks know the actual facts. You don't have to be an expert to say, "I don't think that is accurate. Would you like me to check on that for you?" Don't let falsehoods go unchallenged.

  • We have a plan to keep trusted community members well informed about the school board candidates and the Conejo Valley Unified School District. Sign up by clicking the link or going to the Action tab to become a "Trusted Source".

  • Getting the truth to voters is expensive. We need to raise $15,000 each election cycle to defend public education in the Conejo Valley. Please help if you can. Donation details are here.


Residents of trustee areas 1 & 5 voted in 2020. Residents of trustee areas 2,3,& 4 voted in 2022.

Residents in Areas 1 & 5 vote in fall of 2024.

Yellow:Area 1

Green:Area 2

Red:Area 3

Blue:Area 4

Purple: Area 5

Detailed Map

Karen Sylvester

Lisa Powell

Bill Gorback

Cindy Goldberg

Lauren Gill


Conejo Together came into existence in 2018 because members of a far-right political faction seized control of our school board in 2016. Those were dark days, where the focus turned to culture-wars and political divisions instead of keeping attention where it belonged, on the education of children and careful fiscal management.

In 2018, Conejo Together helped elect three responsible, good-governance candidates and in 2020 two more highly qualified candidates joined the board ending a 4-year period of turmoil and clearing the way for a return to today’s focus on good-governance.

We advocate for the Conejo Valley Unified School District community and for maintaining and improving educational opportunities for all students in the district. We are prepared to stand up for the interests of students, parents, educators, and support staff. Join us!

2024 Election Calendar

County Voter Information Guide Mailing 09/26 – 10/07   

Vote By Mail Ballots Accepted Starting 10/07/24

Election Day: Tuesday, 11/05/24

What does our community want?

  • High quality instruction including contemporary literature and comprehensive American History resources.

  • Pathways to success for students intending to go straight to college as well as those directy entering the work-world.

  • The teaching of essential skills that are foundational to learning and success in later life, skills like self-control, empathy, perseverance, and self-confidence.

  • Safe and welcoming classrooms and campuses where all students and families feel valued.

  • Updated and well maintained campuses that support learning and are a credit to their neighborhoods.

Conejo Valley Unified School District offers choice - 13 neighborhood elementary schools, 4 magnet elementary schools, 1 grade K-8 neighborhood school, 4 middle schools, 3 traditional high schools, blended learning academy grades 6-12, model continuation high school, homeschool program grades TK-12, 1 post secondary academy, 1 parent participation preschool, and an adult education learning center.

Outstanding athletics, co-curriculars, extra-curriculars, and social events round out the educational experience for students and keep them engaged in campus life. At our schools, children learn to wait their turns, follow instructions, and try-try-again. Teens build their confidence and make lifelong friendships. Our schools are places where children learn to celebrate and respect differences.

Conejo Together knows that this community wants students to enjoy rich and varied learning opportunities that include athletics, instrumental music, theater, foreign languages, and computer programing, to name just a few. These opportunities allow students to graduate ready to do well in later life, having the confidence and pride they will need to succeed. This kind of quality happens by design. It takes a focused effort by a dedicated school board and highly competent administrators and experienced staff who work together to support well-qualified teachers in the classroom.

Keeping the focus on what students need to succeed is Conejo Together’s ONLY agenda.

What does Conejo Together do?

Conejo Together advocates for the good governance of the Conejo Valley Unified School District and for maintaining and improving educational opportunities for all students in the district. We are prepared to stand up for the interests of students, parents, educators, and support staff. Please consider making a donation as reaching less aware voters with information about CVUSD schools and candidates for school board is an expensive endeavor.

Thanks to the work of so many here in the community, we have a trustworthy Board of Education that is focused on wise fiscal management, great learning opportunities, and recruiting and retaining highly qualified educators and support staff.

Because of their leadership, The Conejo Valley Unified School District is continuing to create educational opportunities that meet the diverse needs of Conjeo Valley children and their families.