Pleased with CVUSD, board member Gill

Acorn Letter to the Editor

August 23, 2024

It’s Back to School Week for the Conejo Valley Unified School District, and as the parent of a junior at Newbury Park High, I’m feeling good. Based on my 11 years of experience with our schools, I feel I have a solid idea of what’s ahead.

I’m ready for lots of communication from teachers and the principal, Mr. Lepire, who was named Principal of the Year by the Association of California School Administrators for Region 13, which covers Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. I appreciate the many emails and texts outlining the happenings on campus.

I’m excited to hear about my daughter’s classes. The impressive course selection truly offers something for every student: from the rigorous academic demands of the International Baccalaureate program to woodworking principles to construction technology to financial algebra.

I’m grateful for the school’s partnership with Moorpark College. When my daughter didn’t click in a required class, she was able to work with her counselor to become part of the school’s dual enrollment program and take the course online via the college.

The diverse student population gives students ample opportunities to “find their people.” On-campus clubs—there are around 90 of them—include Board and Card Games, AI Ethics, Knitting, as well as Surfing and Hiking. Both in the classroom and out, the school offers something for everyone.

Every student deserves a safe learning environment where they can move along different pathways to success, and Newbury Park High School recognizes that “success” means different things for different people.

Of course, it’s not perfect—nothing is. But the district’s continued commitment to excellence is of huge value to our community.

In November, I’ll be casting my vote for CVUSD school board trustee Lauren Gill, the incumbent for Area 5, which includes Newbury Park. I’m grateful to Ms. Gill, the high school and the district at large for their devotion to our kids—all of them.

Shannon Diffner
Newbury Park